“I know you're tired but come, this is the way” - RUMI
a hidden gem -'The Healing Barn'
You've probably never heard of The Healing Barn at Sun Valley Retreat - and you definitely wont have stumbled across it, or spied it from the road or a local meandering countryside path!
Sun Valley Retreat nestles in a private, tranquil location in an enchanting, hidden valley in Stockton Brook. Amongst the rolling fields and woodland areas sit a pair of 5-star self-catering holiday cottages and 'The Healing Barn'.
From the driveway, The Healing Barn looks just like a plain old shed, but once inside you're greeted by a beautifully calming space with uninterrupted views onto the fields, accompanied by peace, quiet and the sounds of nature... It's instantly healing.

So, other than the tranquil location, and calming interior space, what's so special about The Healing Barn, and why do you need to discover it?
Our Lifestyles Are Making Us Sick
Every day in every way you are bombarded with stressors, which directly and indirectly have a negative impact on your health and wellbeing, often leading ultimately to disease.
You may think of stressors as being the obvious things in life - the baby that wont sleep, the 'problem' teenager, the demanding boss, the unrealistic deadlines, the traffic jam when you're running late, the pressure of the cost of living crisis... and so on. But stress comes from so many more things in your life.
Your body is stressed physically, mentally and emotionally each and every day from the chemicals, antibiotics, pesticides and hormones in ultra-processed foods you eat, toxic, chemical-laden products you apply to your body, electro-magnetic frequencies emitted from the devices and wifi you use and live amongst. What is in and around your very existence harms you.
Many of us take up activities to counter feelings of stress - going to the gym, running or maybe competitive sports. But that can be a mere distraction, a temporary fix and may even be a stressor too.
Then we add to the mix the constant fear-based news; the financial crisis, pandemics, wars, fires and floods, available to you 24 hours a day via the radio, TV news and mobile phone alerts... not to mention the pressure of keeping up with social media presence and alerts - or keeping up with 'the Joneses'!
... and add to that the stress you are acutely aware of in your life day to day, plus the toxic stress many of us carry from our early years that you aren't even aware of, but that impacts your health day to day.
Stress, whether conscious or subconscious, breeds disease.
Many of us are addicted to stress without even realising it.
No wonder disease prevalence and poor mental health is on the increase.
Consider how many people have touched your life who have or had cancer, heart disease, diabetes, auto-immune disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue... and so on...
Oh to be Healthy and Vital!
When you're dragging yourself around day to day feeling exhausted or living with chronic low-grade pain or other symptoms, life isn't that much fun!
How many times has someone asked how you are and you've said 'Fine' when really you're not?
We have become so used to feeling 'not great', that it's become our 'norm' and we don't even know what it feels like any more to feel joyful, healthy and vital.
Imagine a toddler (and you may even have one in your life) who jumps out of bed in a morning excited for whatever the day brings, who smiles, laughs and giggles their way through their day, approaches everything they do with genuine love and boundless energy - and then sleeps soundly all night.
Is your day like that?
Do you wish you still had the energy, joy and love of life that you maybe had as a child? Or even 10 years ago?
Do you wish you could switch off the pain or symptoms, even just for one minute?
Do you wish you could truly rest and sleep like a baby after dragging yourself through your day?
Traditional Methods Are Not Meeting Our Needs
Our UK National Health Service is amazing. Day in, day out, it saves lives in emergency situations.
BUT it fails to create health, or prevent disease.
Waiting times are long, and the medicines and surgeries on offer often come with side effects which then often require further medicines, with yet more side effects... and so the cycle goes on.
When a person is suffering, but does not fit into one of hundreds of categories of disease diagnosis, medical personnel are often left with no treatment options and those people are left without hope.
But we can do better than this...
Healing Is A Natural State We All Have Access To
Your body is truly amazing. It is wise beyond belief.
When you cut yourself for example, your body knows how to heal, without direction from you. Your body simply knows how to pump blood, breathe, digest food and so much more. Your body is continually adjusting and adapting to keep you alive. Its 24-hour focus is survival!
When you injure yourself your body instantly creates inflammation and pain to let you know you need to pay attention, and also adapts so you can continue to operate, albeit on a less effective basis.
But sometimes your body forgets. It gets stuck in unhealthy habits, particularly when stress and busyness is an undercurrent, and that's when it needs a reminder of how to be in balance, how to be healthy and how to heal.
Bringing your body back into a healing state can take time as the habits that have become entrenched over years or decades, need to be released and replaced with new healthy ones.
Science and Ancient Wisdom Work Wonders Together
Ancient wisdom and traditional healing, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treat the body as a whole, unlike western medicine, which separates symptoms and the individual organs and systems.
Have you ever been to see your GP with more than one (possibly related) symptom to be told he can only deal with one symptom today?
Everything is connected; mind, body, emotions and all of the bodys' complex systems.
As science and research progresses, it provides us with more proof that there was (and still is), true wisdom in ancient medicine.
The opportunity to explore this wisdom, grounded in modern science provides each of us with the opportunity to address our unique imbalances and to create an opportunity for healing within us.
The services on offer at The Healing Barn, enable you to experience feelings of improved relaxation as well as shifting the balance of your mental, emotional and physical being into a healthier state, naturally.
Carolyn provides a safe and calm space into which you can gently relax, and start to release those old habits and make way for new ones, as your proceed on your healing journey.
Meet Carolyn & Take a Peek Inside The Healing Barn
Could The Healing Barn make a difference in your life?
Here is a quick checklist of reasons why you might want to explore what's on offer at The Healing Barn. This isn't a complete list (and this natural approach can benefit any issue), but it might give you a good feel for who this is for:
You are experiencing ongoing physical pain or other symptoms, which may have been diagnosed or not
You are struggling with poor mental health or invasive negative thought patterns
You are struggling with ongoing, difficult emotions such as fear, anger, anxiety or grief much of the time
You struggle with hormone imbalances which might cause PMS, PCOS, Thyroid Issues or symptoms of Peri-Menopause/Menopause
You are facing high levels of stress, fatigue or burnout
You have experienced trauma in your life
You experienced a difficult childhood or struggle to recall much about your childhood
You lack a sense of purpose
You lack joy
Treatments and therapies you've tried have had little benefit or provided only temporary relief
You'd prefer to avoid medications or surgery if you can
You preparing for or recovering from surgery
You're undergoing cancer treatments; chemotherapy or radiotherapy
You'd like to enhance the effects of traditional treatments or therapies
You'd like to counter the side effects of medications or treatments
You're open minded and willing to try something a little different
You're happy to take an active role in your healing journey
You're open to exploring how Carolyn could potentially support your healing journey